Easily search your all of your company data in Dynamics 365 BC

Here is a very nice feature that's been in Preview for some time, but is now even more accessible. Of course I'm talking about the Search Company Data tool. 

This allows you to select a number of tables/field and do a full text search on those fields.

Very handy when you have an odd looking document number or a contact email and you are just not sure what it could be related to and you just want to search it all to find an answer.

Search in data - previously hidden away as only an action on the Business Manager role center

Now in 2023 release wave 2 - search company data can be more easily found at the bottom of the Tell Me search results 

Search Company Data - now showing on the Tell Me results

So in this example I had a Mr Deberry leave a short message and to get back to him asap! But I'm new at the company maybe I don't  know who he is etc. No problem with the Search Company data action:

The search found the name from the Contacts table and referenced on a number of documents 

The base setup includes a limited number of tables and fields, presumably to keep the performance up. But if you did want to include more its just a few clicks. 

Setup where to search by clicking the action!

Here I have added the Purchase Invoices list and checked the Vendor Invoice number / Vendor order number to also be included - as this will really help the AP team when dealing with queries from vendors - as they can easily search with the Vendors reference across all posted and unposted vendor invoices on the system.

Toggle and search to add new tables to the search list

Click on the table to setup which fields you will search

The list of tables and field you can search is tied to your role center - so again for performance, maybe you want to add Vendor stuff for the AP users and rather Customer tables fields for AR users.. 

Very handy! Give it a try! Which fields will you search for?